Urbanization, Media and the UN SDGs

Case of Punjab in Pakistan

Edited by

Hamid Masood

Release Date: October, 2024

Copyright: 2024

Pages: 80

ISBN: 979-8-9921800-4-6

Book Description
This book presents succinct findings of field studies conducted in the areas of urbanization, urban planning, property taxation, role of media in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and an overview of progress on SDGs. Analytical frameworks adopted therein have academic rigor and the methodology for data collection is guided by the principles of action research. Data of these studies spans over the past decade and does shed light on the historical development as well connects the realization of prescribes goals to the challenges of current times. Evidence for each subject comprises primary as well as secondary data and triangulation of data has been carried out to fully appreciate the nuances of discussed subjects.
This book offers a critique of urbanization, investigates the role of media and gives an overview of progress on the SDGs. Chapters of the book are findings of studies by senior professionals of their respective fields and shed light on the pressing issues while presenting recommendations for the stakeholders. The analytical approach and insights from field do pave a path for needed reforms by the policy makers. We are hopeful this book adds value to the debates on subjects highlighted herein and advances empirical discourse.
About Editor
Hamid Masood is an accomplished development sector professional with a rich background in institutional growth and reform particularly within education, health, urbanization, municipal services, and consumer rights. With a deep commitment to sustainable development, he has led and contributed to numerous initiatives aimed at improving public service delivery, policy implementation, and social welfare outcomes. Known for his strategic insights and ability to further collaborative partnerships, he consistently works to bridge gaps between policy frameworks and on-the-ground realities. His editorial work is a natural extension of his development expertise, enabling him to shape publications that inform and inspire meaningful societal advancements.